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FAQ - Balance Writing With Life

Welcome back to another FAQ. For those of you just joining us, I polled new writers and got their most asked questions and then asked my fellow writer's these questions. Below you'll find one of those questions and answers from each author. The author's Bios and links to their website/Amazon page etc. will be after all the answers. Check them out for some awesome reads!

Here is the third of the new author FAQs. Keep on the look out for more in the coming months.

Question 3 - How do you balance writing with your everyday life?

Azalea - This is my biggest challenge. I try to schedule a specific time in the day, everyday, to get some writing in. The rest of the day I dedicate to other parts of my life.

Tiffanie - That’s tricky since I work, have two kids, and do a ton of driving. During my driving time I am plotting out parts and developing characters so that helps. I used to have a voice recorder that I would record chapters on as I drove but it broke and I’ve yet to buy another. Most of my writing is done at night after the kids are in bed, or early morning before they get up.

Jane - It isn’t easy to balance life and writing. Consistency is key. I write at the same time every day. It is scheduled into my routine.

Kayla - I’m not good at this. I’ve found that if I go to work, and then bring my laptop to work, then I can sit down in the lobby when I’m finished and crank out an hour or two. Since I’m at ‘work’, I’m still on ‘work brain.’ And no TV, so less distractions. Of course, I also get refills on coffee, so…win win.

Mart - I try to write every day. The easiest way to do this for me is first thing in the morning. I get up, make some oatmeal (super glamorous, right?) and go get some diet coke. On a perfect day, I’m at the computer about 4 hours, then I go do the rest of the day. But I also try to write in my notebook at least three pages before bed.

That’s my perfect day. Other days….

Ravyn - I try to make writing a part of my everyday life. Every day, I set a reasonable goal that says I need to read for at least 15 minutes, I need to work on plotting a story, I need to read a new editing book. Something that will improve my writing or editing.

Sidney - Honestly, this is something I struggle with daily. Balancing a full-time day job, family, social circle, daily chores/necessities, gym time, and having dedicated writing time is a tricky business. Some weeks I'm regimented like a soldier and have my day divided to cover all bases; producing two thousand words a day in a project. Other times I'm thrown to the winds of chaos and might only get a thousand words in a week! On the weeks I'm in chaos mode, I try to make it up when I'm in soldier mode and that seems to balance everything out. I'm also grateful that I have wonderful people around me who accept my pursuits and understand when I can't attending events or parties because I need to meet my deadline. Again, a support group is a must.

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Author Bio's

Azalea - I'm Azalea Fox, a contemporary and erotic romance author. I love reading and writing about regular women and the awesome men who absolutely dote on them. Growing up, my favorite author was Nora Roberts and I used to spend my days indoors reading her books. Now, my favorite things are days by the sea and hanging out with my husband and daughter. When I'm not writing, I'm doing art, reading, or watching movies.

Find her at her Website or her Instagram

Tiffanie - Tiffanie lives in Michigan. She has her degree in Mental Health, specializing in Child Development and a minor in Early Childhood Education. She puts her degrees to work in her young adult and new adult fantasy writings. Though she has been known to venture off into other genres from time to time, she has been published in the anthology Out of the Green and is currently working on the first novel in her new series, Bound in Blood and Shadows. The first novel, Double-Edged War, was published earlier this year.

Find her at her Website

Jane - Jane has been obsessed with all things books since 2nd grade. She lives in Ohio with her twin daughters.

Find her at her Website or her Youtube Channel

Kayla - I write under two pen names. The first, Kaylie Lanshaw, is a collaboration between myself and another author (Tiffanie Shaw). We are currently writing a New Adult Post-Collapse series set in the year 2044, after a civil war has left the United States of America floundering. Drowning in debt, the country resorts to selling off states to revive the economy. When one of these states is bought by the King of the previously-hidden Vampires, the nation is left uncertain. It comes down to the Prince of the Vampires and a foster kid named Kaelin to prove that inter-species peace is possible. I also write under the pen name Kady Ellis, though these books are still in progress. The first book, which will be out hopefully by the end of 2019, is titled En Pointe, and is a M/M romantic suspense.

Find her at her Website

Mart - Martha J Allard is a writer of contemporary & dark fantasy. Her short fiction has appeared in magazines like "Talebones" and "Not One of Us." Her story "Dust" won an honorable mention in "Year's Best Science Fiction," 19th edition, edited by Gardener Dozois and her story, "Phase" was nominated for a British Science Fiction Award. Her nonfiction has appeared in Lend the Eye a Terrible Aspect and Deaths Garden. Her novel, Black Light, is a tale of love, sacrifice, and rock & roll in the 1980's. Martha is a life-long resident of Flint where she found magic between the cracks of broken concrete. She joined Flint Area Writers at the age of sixteen, and credits the group with teaching her how to write.

Find her at her Website

Ravyn - Ravyn Crescent is a survivor; living in a desert and dreaming of a better world. She lived through physical, mental, and sexual abuse and spent years focusing on helping others escape similar situations before realizing that constantly reliving those traumatic moments were tearing her down. She writes paranormal fiction, fantasy, and spends far too much time writing and researching about serial killers. In her spare time, she makes pet collars and works to educate people about pet nutrition, in whatever time she has left she does freelance editing. She has her own company, Crescent Canines.

Find her on Facebook

Sidney - Sidney Reetz: “That red-headed Devil woman.” Born and residing in Phoenix, Arizona, the caffeine dependent life form known as Sidney started writing in the fourth grade for her own enjoyment. The stories penned back then were during her high fantasy period and involved a lot of dragons, elves and magic. She was ten years old. Needless to say, they were horrible and will never see the light of day – but were fun to write and taught her a lot about discipline. In elementary school she entered the ‘short story’ competition and baffled the organizers when she dropped off a 150-some-odd page manuscript. They must have liked it; she won second place.When not transcribing the Devil’s words, Sidney is an avid crafter and all around nerd. She likes listening to true crime podcast and making themed playlist far too much.

Find her at her Website

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